Origin Mobility Car 

Dress for the Space

#Speculative Design

Origin is an imaginative automobile design that assists astronauts to move in space. It replaces the traditional EMU spacesuits and can stretch to fit various body postures of astronauts. Origin also facilitates face-to-face communications by connecting each vehicle.

Problems in existing space design:
1. It is a battle to move in existing heavy, pressurized suit.“Existing suits protect the human inside using a layer of pressurized air between the body and the suit. This means it’s a workout to move, even in a zero-gravity environment. “(OneZero) 2. No offline, private conversations among astronants.
How might we replace the bulky EMUs with new designs for first-generation Mars immigrants? 

Or, We do not need spacesuits at all? 



My goal was to design a flexible structure that allows users to move their bodies with ease.

The idea of the Origin Mobility Car comes from Marshall McLuhan and his theory about media, in which he asserts, 

“The car has become the carapace, the protective and aggresive shell, of urban and suburban man.”

Reflecting on how the car has become a great part of identity among American youngesters, I hypothesised an extreme situation where the car is the unseparatable shell, the social tool, and the wearable in the future space. 

For full information, please visit the following website: https://originautomobile.weebly.com

The final design takes the form of a hexagon and is motorized, with the added convenience of magnet connectivity.


Designing for the Social Experience of “Driving”

Vinicity is the navigation system inside the Orgin Mobility Car.  It aims to eliminate the social distance among Mars vehicle users. The key features of Vinicity include displaying status to naerby users, projecting digital memories onto the landscape, searching for friends on the map, etc. Vinicity is a marriage of social media and navigation platform. Its success is based on the promise that digital property has become a inseparatable link of the future Mars social operation. 

Visit the following link to the game page:  